Pupils seeking admission must be introduced by the person who will be responsible to the Principal for him/her.
    • A student coming from a recognized school must produce the leaving Certificate.
    • If a student comes from school outside Goa, the Certificate must be countersigned by the Educational Inspector of the State from which he/she comes.
    • A Birth Certificate must be produced if the child has not attended any school previously.
  1. Written application must be made by the Parents/ Guardian for the Leaving Certificate of the pupil in the prescribed form and the same will be issued within a week.
  2. Tempering with L.C pending production of L.C., contagious diseases, dismissal or issue of compulsory L.C. from any recognized School etc., will disqualify a pupil for admission in the school.

  1. Fees collected for each pupil from std V-VIII are as follows
    • Term Fee-Rs. 24/-
    • Pupil fund –Rs 12/-(only for std VIII)
    • Fees Collected for Std. IX and X
    • Term Fee Rs. 130 /-
    • Pupil Fee Rs. 150 /-
    • Exam Fee Rs. 100 /-
  2. Enrolment Fee – Every student of Std IX has to pay the enrolment fee of Rs 75/- to the Goa Board.
  3. If a pupil joins the School during the term or leaves the School before the end of the term, fees of the entire term has to be paid.
  4. The Primary section fees will be charged as follows: a) Monthly fees Rs.15/-
  5. Fees are to be paid in advance before the 10th of every month. If the fees are not paid in time, the pupil is liable to be sent home.
  6. Fees for April and May will have to be paid in the first week of March and fees for October are to be paid in September.
  7. Those who repeat the class will forfeit any fee concession allowed them during the year.

A duplicate L.C will be issued only on producing an affidavit by the parents/ guardians stating that the pupil has no joined any institution on the strength of the original L.C. and that original is lost or damaged. A search fee of Rs.20/- will be charged for a duplicate L.C. or mark sheet.

  1. Leave of absence is not granted, except on written note from parents stating specific reason for the same.
  2. No pupil will be allowed to leave the school premises without a written note from the parent or school authorities.
  3. If a pupil is absent for many days due to illness a Medical Certificate must be produced at the earliest opportunity. The Parent must come personally to school to explain the reason. Absence from tests/examination and on the re-opening days after vacation is a breach of discipline, suitable disciplinary action will be taken by the Headmistress/Manager

  1. Students must present themselves at all times in a clean and respectable manner clean uniform, i.e.
    • Boys—prescribed colored checked shirts and black shorts for students from Ist to Xth. And on every Thursday black shorts with house color t- shirts. Girls--colored checked pinafores and white blouses, and on every Thursday black divided skirts with house color t- shirts. Only white canvas shoes and white socks (for both) During the rainy season only plain black sandals for boys and girls.
    • Scouts and Guide uniform on particular days marked
    • Nails to be short and clean, no nail polish
    • Hair may be kept loose, if up to the nape of neck, longer hair must be worn in plaits for girls.
    • Proper haircut for boys.
    • School belt and I.D. card should be compulsorily worn.
    • Only Black colored sweaters during winter season will be permitted.
  2. Students must be punctual for the Assembly and class. All late comers must report to the teachers’ in charge of discipline, only then can permission be granted to enter the classroom. Any student found violating the rule will be adequately punished.
  3. Running and playing about inside the school building is not permitted
  4. Disciplinary action will be taken for the following:
    1. i) Late comers.
    2. ii) Those who are without calendars and school identity card
    3. iii) Those who are not properly dressed in School Uniform.
    4. iv) Those who do not comply with the School regulations. e.g. those who do not get remarks, report etc., signed by the parents.
  5. An absentee must on return to school produce a letter from his/her parents duly explaining the cause of absence.
  6. All should be particularly careful not to throw any paper etc. anywhere in the School premises, they should use the bin specially provide for the purpose.
  7. Students must take care of the School property furniture etc., any damage caused must be made good.
  8. Pupil are strictly forbidden to introduce objectionable materials, (electronic gadget- mobiles, I-pods, video games) and literature into the school. If found it will be confiscated.
  9. The School is not responsible for books, money etc., lost books, stationery, umbrellas & raincoats should bear the names of the owner.
  10. Every student should endeavor to keep up the high tone of the school by excelling in good manners and discipline.
  11. Students are not allowed to leave the classroom without the permission of the teacher or until the class is dismissed. During School hours, no student will leave the school premises without the permission of the Headmistress / Manager.
  12. Students are strictly forbidden to write on the walls or any part of the School premises or furniture and any students found doing so will be liable to punishments.
  13. Presents to the members of the staff or other celebrations in their honor also require previous sanction of the Principal.
  14. Ornaments and Jewelry of any kind necklaces, rings, etc., are not allowed in school. Pupils are forbidden to use nail polish or adapt any forms of hair style. They should have two plaits or a short haircut. Boys should have very short hair. No fancy hairstyles are allowed.
  15. Students are not allowed to organize picnics or any out of station activities without prior permission of the Headmistress/ Manager, participation in any such activities without permission renders the student liable for panel.
  16. Students who misbehave in the classroom or school will be issued GREEN CARD as the first warning, YELLOW CARD as the second warning and RED CARD along with the School Leaving Certificate.
  17. It is obligatory on the part of the pupils to participate in co-curricular and other School activities.
  18. During the absence of a teacher from the class, pupils must obey the Monitor appointed to maintain good order.
  19. Students must compulsorily speak in English in the School and at school activities.
  20. It is compulsory for the students to attend extra remedial classes whenever arranged by the school.
  21. Students should show courtesy and respect to the teachers and elders at all times. Students need to treat their companions with courtesy and respect.
  22. Students should:
    1. Avoid any distracting behavior during lessons.
    2. Stay in their place and not pack up at the end of the lesson/end of the day until you are directed by your teacher.
    3. Walk in silently in corridors / changing classes.
    4. Make necessary arrangement to be present before or after school hours to participate in sports and co-curricular activities when required by the school.
  23. Students should be regular in attendance and studies. Student reaching late for the assembly will be marked late on the calendar. After three such late coming students will not be allowed to attend the class unless the parents explain the reason of late arrivals to the Headmistress in person and put their signatures against the remark made on the RECORD CARD.

  1. The engaging of private tutors may prove injurious to real progress. Therefore, it should be discouraged.
  2. In case of accidents, the School authorities will administer FIRST AID to the students but cannot be held responsible for such accidents.
  3. Parents are hereby informed that some special pages of this calendar have been provided for teachers – parent’s communication. Such communication must be signed in token of having been seen.
  4. Habitual late coming, irregular attendance, unexplained or unjustified absence for more than several class days, habitual idleness, insubordination, serious misbehavior, obscenity in any form, dishonesty theft frequent failure to obtain satisfactory for conduct or application in reports, any one of these circumstances justify dismissal, ordinarily two previous warnings will be issued
  5. In case of absence of a student for more than 2 days, the parent must inform the school authorities.
  6. 6. The student’s presence on the reopening day after the break or vacation is a must, failing which a fine of Rs. 100/- per day will be imposed.
  7. No students will be exempted from physical exercise without a Doctor’s Certificate.
  8. Parents should examine the calendar / books and different reports and use them to control and direct the children in their studies at home.
  9. The School does not guarantee success of child’s unless her/his parents or guardian co-operates with the School Authority and do their part by enforcing regularity and discipline. They must see that their children do their homework and prepare their lesson daily. Let them specially insist on punctuality and regularity in attending the classes.
  10. Parents should visit the School on every open day without fail.
  11. Parents are not allowed to interview the teachers in the classroom during school hours, should parents be sent for, they shall wait in the School office an ask the Headmistress / Manager. They may interview the teachers at recess.
  12. When communicating with the Headmistress / Manager, parents are requested to mention the child’s full name, the class and division in which he / she is studying. Complaints if any, should be addressed to the Headmistress / Manager.
  13. Parents have in implicit undertaking to come to the school when called. No parent should therefore neglect this duty of meeting the school authorities or teachers when required.
  14. A pupil who has been suffering from or who has been in contact with any infectious disease must produce a certificate from a competent authority before returning to school.
  15. Parents should keep in mind the following principles of discipline in the Grant - in –Aid code.
    1. Pupils are responsible to the authorities not only for their conduct in school but also for their behaviour outside. Any objectionable conduct out of the school on the part of the pupil should make liable to disciplinary action.
    2. Parents / guardians are given to understand that they cannot dictate to the management and the management has a right to say on what condition they will admit or retain pupils in their school.

Students may not join any outside team without the permission of the Headmistress/Manager. Pupils are expected to take part in games and sports arranged by the schools. Pupil should be present for Physical exercise and drill conducted by the P.E Teacher.

N.B: Silence shall be observed within and around the Library, during library hours. All unruly behaviour will be punished.
  1. a. Books are to be returned by the date or the day marked, otherwise a fine of 50 paisa per day will be collected before fresh books are issued. Fines must be paid within a fortnight; otherwise further service will be restricted for such persons.
  2. b. Only one book will be allowed at a time.
  3. c. Pupils scribbling, tearing and damage caused will be fined or punished otherwise, according to the damage done and at the discretion of the librarian or teacher of authority of the School.
  4. d. No student shall exchange with or lend out library books to another student. Confiscated books will be treated as lost books and will be charged accordingly.
  5. e. Teachers should also see that the students treat the books with care and return the books on time.
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